INFO last updated on 08 OCT 2010                                                                     PDF Version - Printable



The Supplementary Procedures in force are given in their entirety. The differences if any. are detailed in the AIP sub section GEN 1.7.


Visual Flight Rules (VFR)

(Annex 2 -Chapter 4)

VFR Flights to be operated within a CTR established at an AD serving international flights and specified portions of the associated TMA shall;

a).have two-way radio Communications

b).obtain clearance from the appropriate ATC unit; and

c).report positions as required.

Note : the phrase "specified  portions of the associated TMA" is intended to signify at least those portions of the TMA used by International IFR flights in association with approach, holding, departure procedures.


Special applications of Instrument Flight   Rules

(Annex 2 -Chapter 5):

Flights shall be conducted in accordance with the Instrument Flight Rules when operated.  

a). more than 100NM (185km) seaward from the shoreline within controlled airspace; or 

b). above FL150.


Reduced Vertical Separation  Minimum   (RVSM) approved aircraft

( A2 Chapter 3, P-ATM Chapter 4)

The letter W shall be inserted in item 10 (Equipment) of the flight plan if the aircraft and operator have received RVSM state approval, regardless of the requested flight level. The aircraft registration shall be inserted in item 18 of the flight plan.


Mach Number

For turbo-jet aircraft intending to operate within airspace and on air routes to which Longitudinal Separation   minima utilizing Mach number technique will be applied, the planned True Mach Number shall be specified in item 15 of the flight plan.


Continuous listening watch in uncontrolled airspace.

(Annex 2 -Chapter 3 and 5, P-ATM  Chapter 4)

All VFR flights and IFR flights outside controlled airspace shall maintain a listening watch on the frequency where flight information service is provided and report position unless otherwise authorized by the state overflown.


AFTN  rationalization

To support data communication requirements and to provide needed data integrity and minimal transit time, the CCITT X.25 protocol should be used between AFTN COM Centres in Sri Lanka.  


Means of Compliance

(Annex 2 Chapter 5 and Appendix 3, Annex 6 Chapter 3,4 and 7)

Operators intending to conduct flights within the Colombo FIR where RVSM is applied shall require an RVSM approval either from the state of registry or the state of the operator. The state of registry or the state of the operator as appropriate, should verify that the height -keeping performance capability of approved aircraft meets the requirements specified in Annex 6 Part 1 and 11.


Adherence to ATC approved route

(Annex 2 Chapters 3)If an aircraft on a long over water, flight has inadvertently deviated from the route specified in its ATC clearance, it shall forthwith take action to regain such route within 200NM (370km)  from the position at which the deviation was observed. 


Vertical Separation

( P-ATM, Chapter 5)

An RVSM of 1000ft (300m) shall be applied between FL290 and FL410 inclusive for flights within the Colombo FIR.

The minimum separation above shall only be applied between aircraft where those aircraft and the operator have been approved by the state of the registry or the state of the operator as appropriate to conduct flights in RVSM airspace.

Aircraft that have not received RVSM state approval may be cleared operate in airspace where RVSM may be applied in accordance with policy and procedures established by the state provided that  2000ft  (600m) vertical separation is applied.


ATS Coordination between units providing area control services

( Annex 11, Chapter 3, P-ATM, Chapter 10 and 11)

If a flight enters an adjacent area, information concerning any revision of the estimate of three minutes or more shall be forwarded to the adjacent area control centre normally by telephone.



(P-ATM, Chapter 9)

Transmission of SIGMET information  to aircraft shall be at the initiative of the appropriate ATS unit, by the preferred method directed transmission followed by acknowledgement, or by a general call when the number of aircraft would render the preferred method impracticable. 

SIGMET information passed to aircraft shall cover a portion of the route up to two hours flying time ahead of the craft.


Amended aerodrome forecast

(P-ATM, Chapter 9)

Amended aerodrome forecasts shall be passed to aircraft within 60 minutes from the aerodrome of destination, unless the information has been made available through other means,


Degradation of aircraft equipment-pilot reported

( Annex 6, Part 1 chapter 7 and Appendix 4, Annex 6, Part 11 Chapter 7 and Appendix 2)

When informed by the pilot of an RVSM- Approved aircraft operating in the Colombo FIR airspace that the aircraft's equipment no longer meets the RVSM MAPS as specified in above para  5.1, ATC shall consider the aircraft as non RVSM approved.     

ATC shall take action immediately to provide a minimum vertical separation of 2000ft (600m) or an appropriate horizontal separation fro all other aircraft concerned that are operating in the Colombo FIR airspace. An aircraft rendered non-RVSM-approved shall normally be cleared out of the RVSM airspace by ATC when it is possible to do so.

Pilots shall inform ATC, as soon as practicable, of any restoration of the proper functioning of equipment required meet the RVSM MASPS.

The first ACC to become aware of a change in aircraft's RVSM status shall coordinate with adjacent ACCs as appropriate.

 Severe turbulence – not forecast 

When an aircraft operating in RVSM airspace encounters severe turbulence due to weather or wake vortex that the pilot believes will impact the aircraft's capability to maintain its cleared flight level, the pilot shall inform ATC. ATC shall establish either an appropriate horizontal separation or an increased minimum vertical separation.

ATC shall, to the extent possible, accommodate pilot requests for flight level and/or route changes and shall pass on traffic information as required.


ATC shall solicit reports from other aircraft to determine whether RVSM should be suspended entirely or within a specific flight level band and/or area.

The ACC suspending RVSM shall coordinate such suspension(s) with, and any required adjustments to, sector capabilities with adjacent ACCs, as appropriate, to ensure an orderly progression to the transfer of traffic.

 Severe turbulence -forecast. 

When a meteorological forecast is predicting severe turbulence, ATC shall determine whether RVSM should be suspended and, if so, for how long and for which specific flight level(s) and /or area

In cases where RVSM will be suspended, the ACC suspending RVSM shall coordinate with adjacent ACCs with regard to the flight levels appropriate for the transfer of traffic, unless a contingency       flight level allocation scheme has been determined by letter of agreement. The ACC suspending RVSM shall also coordinate applicable sector capabilities with adjacent ACCs as appropriate.


International General Aviation (IGA)

( Annex 6 Part 11, Chapter 6) 

General Aviation aircraft operating over designated areas, land or sea, where search and rescue operations would be difficult, should;

a)     carry appropriate survival equipment; and

b)    follow the routes or specified procedures if not equipped with two-way radio, except that under special circumstances, the appropriate authority may grant specific exemptions from this requirement.  

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