INFO Last updated on 11 OCT 2018                                                                    PDF Version  - Printable




The holding, approach and departure procedures in use throughout the Colombo FIR conform with the criteria contained in ICAO DOC 8168-OSP/611 (PANS-OPS




ATC clearance or control instructions for approach and clearance to the holding point will be issued to an arriving aircraft on initial contact by the appropriate ATC unit. The clearance will specify the clearance limit, route, level and RNAV-1 STAR to be flown. An expected approach time may also be included in the clearance if it is anticipated that the arriving aircraft may have to be delayed prior to commencement of an approach.


An aircraft approaching an aerodrome under IFR conditions for the purpose of making a landing shall be cleared to the radio aid to carry out an instrument approach procedure as prescribed in the appropriate instrument approach chart.  ( Ref. Part 3, section AD 2 ).


Due to the limited airspace available, it is important that the approaches to holding patterns and the holding procedures are carried out as exactly as possible. Pilots are strongly requested to inform ATC if for any reason the approach and/or holding can not be performed as required.


In order to ensure optimum descent profile and to minimize  communication and issuance of involved instructions, a system of RNAV-1 Standard Arrivals(RNAV-1 STARs) have been established at KATUNAYAKE/ Bandaranaike Intl.(Ref VCBI AD2)Stadarad Instrument Arrivals (STARs) have been established at MATTALA / Mattala Rajapaksa Intl. Airport (VCRI) on certain ATS routes.(Ref.VCRI AD2).

2.4.1 These RNAV-1 STARs and STARs shall be used by the arriving IFR flights except when otherwise specified by the ATC.
2.5 IFR flights shall be cleared to execute visual approach provided the pilot has the aerodrome in sight and establishes continuous visual reference with the ground or water. However,the pilot-in-command shall be solely responsible for ensuring obstacle clearance from the time visual flight is assumed.



IFR flights departing from controlled aerodromes will receive initial ATC clearance from the aerodrome TWR. The clearance limit will normally be the aerodrome of destination.


To expedite departure, ATC may require a succeeding aircraft to do a "Step climb" below the altitude or level of a preceding aircraft while maintaining vertical separation as applicable.


ATC may instruct a departing aircraft to arrive at a reporting point at a specified time or at a specified level, point or time as deemed necessary to effect separation with other aircraft. The pilot-in-command shall notify ATC if these instructions cannot be complied with.


In order to ensure optimum climb profile  and to minimize communication and issuance of involved instructions,   system of RNAV-1 Standard Instrument Departures (RNAV-1 SIDs) have been established at KATUNAYAKE/Bandaranaike Intl. Airport.(Ref VCBI AD2) and Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) have been established at MATTALA/Mattala Rajapaksa Intl. Airport (Ref. VCRI AD2) Aerodromes on ceratin ATS routes:


These RNAV-1 SIDs and SIDs shall be used by the departing IFR flights from the respective  aerodromes except when otherwise specified by  the ATC.

                                                                       (END of Sub Section ENR 1.5)                                       >>>>Back to Top