INFO last updated on  15 JUL 2021                                                              PDF Version - Printable



1.1 To reduce the environmental impact of aviation on the environment, the members of the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea Strategic Partnership to Reduce Emmissions (INSPIRE) are collaborating to allow airspace users access to User Preferred Routes across the Arabian Sea, Indian and Southern Oceans and adjoining airspaces
2.1 UPR Airspace
2.1.1 The Arabian Sea Indian Ocean UPR Geographic zone is that airspace formed from contiguous portions of adjoining Flight Information Regions (FIRs) across the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and adjoining airspaces. Each participating FIR defines in their own AIP the portion of their airspace where the UPR geographic zone is established and advises of specific constraints that apply in that airspace.

The UPR airspace for the Colombo FIR which may be hereafter referred to as Colombo UPR Geographic Zone (Colombo-UPRGZ) is the airspace laterally bounded by following coordinates.

  020000S 0920000E - 020000S 0780000E -

  060000N 0780000E - 060000N 0770000E -

070000N 0770000E - 090000N 0793000E-

043000N 0920000E - 020000S 0920000E-

Vertical Limits: FL245 to FL460.                        

See ENR3.5-5 (Chart - Colombo UPRGZ)

2.1.3 Colombo-UPRGZ is contiguous with the adjoining UPRGZs.
2.2 Access to Colombo-UPRGZ

Only those airspace users who meet the following minimum criteria, may flight plan a User Preferred Route in the Colombo-UPRGZ.

    -RNP10, and

    -ADS-C/CPDLC eqipped

The minimum criteria listed above must be notified in the flight plan. The flight shall log on to Colombo ADS-C/CPDLC "VCCF" prior to entering UPR zone.

2.2.2 The provisions applicable to RNP10 operations in the Colombo FIR as published in Sri Lanka AIP, section ENR 1.1, para 16 shall be applicable for flights using UPR.

2.3 Specific requirements for usage of UPR in the Colombo-UPRGZ

Prior permission required at least seven (07) days in advance for flight operators to fly UPR in the Colombo-UPRGZ. Permission may be requested for whole or part of Summer/Winter schedule for particular flight(s).

Contact Details:

   1). Head of Air Navigation Services, AASL, Sri Lanka.      2). Senior Manager Air Traffic Control (ACC/ RMA TWR), AASL,                                                                                            Sri Lanka.

        Telefax: +94 11 2252062                                                Telefax: +94 11 3635105 or +94 11 3635106

        E-mail:                                           E-mail:


Within the Colombo-UPRGZ, the following flight planning requirements apply in respect of the flights using  User Preferred Routes (UPR),

       a). The flight plan for a flight using User Preferred Routes (UPR) shall be filed at least two (02) hours before the ETD.

       b). User Preferred Routes (UPR) may enter and exit Colombo-UPRGZ via the published waypoints or positions of Latitude             and Longitude described in degrees and minutes on the Colombo-UPRGZ boundary. The complete planned UPR             including the entry/exit way points or positions on the Colombo-UPRGZ boundary shall be mentioned in the route field             (Item 15) of the flight plan.

       c). The Estimated Elapse Times (EET) for the Entry and Exit waypoints/positions on the Colombo-UPRGZ shall be given in             the field "EET" (Item 18) of the flight plan.

       d). User Preferred Routes (UPR) may include published ATS routes.

       e). Time intervals between adjacent waypoints on UPR may preferably be around 30 minutes and shall not exceed 60             minutes.

       f). The transition from a conventional ATS route to User Preferred Route or vice versa may also take place at a published            waypoint on a conventional ATS route segment and any waypoint on a UPR segment within the Colombo-UPRGZ.

2.4 Contingency Measures

In case of contingencies like failure of ATS automation system, failure of ADS-C/CPDLC system etc., a NOTAM will be issued suspending permission to UPR flights. All flights intending to flight plan UPR in Colombo-UPRGZ and departing after the promulgation of such a NOTAM shall alter flight plan via a conventional ATS route. The flights already in air will be accommodated via flight planned UPR to the extent possible but may be re-cleared via nearest conventional ATS route if traffic situation so demands.

2.4.2 A flight unable to establish contact with Colombo CPDLC (VCCF) shall endeavour to establish contact on HF or SATCOM telephone as soon as possible. Such flights may also be re-cleared via nearest conventional ATS route if traffic situation so demands.
2.4.3 A flight unable to fly UPR due to in flight contingencies and requiring alternate clearance via conventional ATS route may request Colombo ACC for an alternate clearance. Such flights will be issued clearance as appropriate.
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