Alliance Air to Fly Daily from Jaffna International Airport to Chennai
February 25, 2020
The Jaffna International Airport (JIA) was declared open for international operations on the 17th of October, 2019 as the third international airport in Sri Lanka adding a new chapter to the aviation industry of Sri Lanka. After the opening of the airport, Alliance Air commenced international flight operations to Jaffna on 11th November, 2019 with a frequency of three flights a week. Ever since, the airline has been performing flight operations better and there has been an increasing trend in passenger numbers. From the date of commencement, there have been 35 aircraft movements and it has handled 2863 international passenger movements up to 31st January, 2020.
Considering the growing demand for air travel from the Northern part of the country, Alliance Air has decided to increase the flight frequency to daily flights from 27th February onwards. This will facilitate the passenger travel needs conveniently at an affordable price. The Alliance Air operates ATR 72 type aircraft.